Our Current Study



Mental Stats Technology is currently conducting a proof of concept study that will:

  • Show that cognitive fatigue (I’m really tired or I’m burned out) highly correlates with poorer in-game performance, and that peak cognitive performance will track with top in-game player productivity. 

  • Show that mental distress (I’m feeling anxious or depressed) highly correlates with a decline in in-game performance. 

We have partnered with a Victoria technology company NeuO, and engaged the Krigolson Lab at the University of Victoria.

We will collect and assess three sets of data for each athlete: in-game performance stats, brain health and performance metrics, digital surveys of athletes’ perceptions. 

The study is underway now and will conclude June 2021.



The present proposal combines neuroscience with kinematic and mental health data to further investigate athlete performance. This proposed project will thus blend theoretical science into an applied setting.  Our goal is to investigate the relationship between athlete performance (assessed through kinematic data), athlete mental health (assessed through well-validated psychological surveys), and objective measures of neural functioning (using mobile EEG). We will use ground-breaking methods of measuring kinematic data from athletes, psychological surveys, and EEG technology to measure beta waves (which are associated with cognitive control) and the P300 event-related potential component (which is associated with information processing). We hope to provide not only findings that highlight the nuances of athlete performance and incorporate neuro-scientific method, but disseminate the results of this work to other researchers in the field through scientific presentations and publications.

Our Future Studies


Check back soon for more information …


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